Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day 2010

Well, here we are, February 14, 2010 - Valentines Day!

But let's back up to the 13th. Bob and I decided to celebrate it a day early figuring the places we wanted to go would be busy because it was on the actual day.

We got up early and planned our day. I had heard that the Butterfly Conservatory in Niagara Falls was going to have a special this weekend where people would get to try and eat bugs. WOW, talk about romantic!!! (GIGGLE)

We jumped in the car and headed out. When we got there, the place was buzzing with people. We purchased our tickets and went inside. We were handed "bug treat" tickets so we could sample what they had. We walked over to the area they had set up and were given small sample sizes of Cricket Energy Bars (very chewy but good) and a cup of Wasp Juice (I heard it suppose to turn fat into energy) it was sweet. We were then told that there would be a BUG COOK-OFF at 12:30pm - we arrived just after 11:00am so we decided to go see the Butterflies and come back later.

We had never been to the Butterfly Conservatory before. It was magical. Thank goodness we hung our coats up earlier as it was humid inside the domed area. Beautiful plants and different butterflies and moths flying all around. Almost immediately, Bob had one land on his face and everyone that was around gasped and Bob flinched so I wasn't able to get my camera out in time to take a piccie. He was wearing Red and I was wearing Purple. During that morning he must of had 5 or 6 different butterflies land on him, alas, I only had one which was for a mere second as I was trying to take a piccie near a butterfly bush and it landed on my finger, no time for a piccie.






After an hour or so, we were done with taking photos and going around a couple of times, plus it was getting a little crowded, as we wanted to take photos and stand still so the butterflies might land on us, little kiddies started running around trying to grab them, it was no use.... we departed and decided to go see how the cook off was going.

The first treat was Crickets & Rice -- MMmmmmm!!!



The other yummy treat was crickets in white chocolate and crickets in some sort of toffee peanut butter brittle. It was equally as yummy. We were asked to vote on each item, so since we enjoyed both, we decided to each vote on one.

We decided our next stop would be in Niagara Falls again at the Bird Kingdom Aviary.






Lots of beautiful birds flying around. Loved it, but again, being a weekend, lots of kids running around trying to grab at the birds. We were lucky enough to have this one sit and let us take a photo of it close up, but as we left it, kids came running from all directions grabbing at the poor thing and it flew off. We even had the chance to have a parrot sit on each of our arms and had a photo taken (You aren't allowed to take your own photo of the parrot on you, but we chose not to purchase those photos as we decided to have our photos taken with some other interesting characters which you will see in a second).

I was sooooooo thrilled about having these photos taken I didn't mind paying the $21.00 plus to get the three. What a chance of a lifetime for me anyways. :o)




And as our day was coming to an end it was decided we would drive to Niagara On the Lake to the Angel Inn for a drinkie. We were both tired and hungry, so we changed our mind and ended up having dinner. We started off with a Beer each and Brushetta, moved on to split something called Chicken & Peach Pot Pie which came with fries and peas and carrots and for dessert, Creme Brulee. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!



For me, this was the bestest Valentines Day gift, spending time with my Soul Mate and having lots of fun!!

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!!!!